Grains - Positive / Normal / Negative types

Blog post Millets are a group of small, round whole grains grown in India, Nigeria, and other Asian and African countries. They are divided into three subgroups: Positive millets, Neutral millets and Negative millets. Positive millets include : foxtail millet, browntop millet, kodo millet, barnyard millet and Little millet. These millets have numerous health benefits. For example, foxtail millets act as a brain tonic and are essential in neurological problems. They also affect the respiratory system positively and are beneficial in respiratory disorders. Browntop millets work amazingly in the condition of chronic constipation and have good results in arthritis, hypothyroidism, eye disorders, thyroid problems, hypertension and obesity. Neutral Millets include : sorghum (jawar), pearl millets (bajra), finger millet (ragi), proso millet and corn. These millets are also good sources of magnesium, which is linked to lower blood pressure, and protect against stroke. They are also rich in potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure⁴. Negative Millets are : wheat and paddy (rice). While these grains have some benefits as well, they have led to various health issues such as diabetes and associated disorders. In summary, incorporating positive and neutral millets into your diet can provide numerous health benefits. It is important to consume them in rotation for maximum benefits. description.

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8/25/20231 min read